In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, corporate video has evolved from a mere marketing tool into a strategic asset for businesses. Beyond its creative and storytelling potential, corporate video production can yield a measurable return on investment (ROI) that speaks directly to the bottom line. In this blog, we delve into the tangible ways to measure the ROI of corporate video and highlight its significance in business terms.

Video production company filming and editing london, The ROI of Corporate Video

Increased Engagement and Conversion Rates

One of the clearest indicators of a successful corporate video is increased engagement with your target audience. Track metrics such as view counts, click-through rates, and social shares. These numbers directly reflect the level of interest and interaction your video content generates. Additionally, pay close attention to conversion rates. Are viewers taking desired actions after watching your video, such as signing up for a newsletter, requesting a demo, or making a purchase? An uptick in conversions can be attributed to the persuasive power of video.

Enhanced Brand Visibility and Recognition

Corporate videos play a pivotal role in building brand awareness and recognition. Analyse your video’s reach and exposure. Has it led to an expansion of your brand’s digital footprint? Are more people recognising your brand logo and associating it with industry authority? A strengthened brand presence can ultimately translate into increased revenue.

Improved SEO Performance

Search engines love video content. Well-optimised videos can boost your website’s search engine ranking, making it more discoverable to potential customers. Track your website’s search rankings and organic traffic. If you notice an upward trend following the release of your corporate video, it’s a strong indicator that your video is contributing to improved SEO and online visibility.

Reduced Support and Training Costs

For businesses offering complex products or services, corporate videos can serve as valuable educational tools. Measure the reduction in support calls or the decrease in the time it takes to onboard new customers or train employees. These savings directly impact your operational costs and, subsequently, your ROI.

Enhanced Sales Enablement

Sales teams can leverage corporate videos to facilitate the sales process. Consider the impact of video on your sales pipeline, such as shortened sales cycles, increased deal sizes, or improved win rates. When salespeople can use video to convey your value proposition more effectively, it can lead to a direct and measurable ROI.

Audience Insights and Feedback

Don’t overlook the importance of gathering feedback from your audience. Pay attention to comments, reviews, and social media interactions related to your corporate videos. Analysing this feedback can provide valuable insights into customer sentiment and preferences, allowing you to refine your video strategy for even better ROI in the future.

Longevity and Reusability

Unlike some marketing assets, corporate videos have a longer shelf life. Measure how often you can repurpose and reuse your video content across various channels and campaigns. The more you can leverage a single video asset, the higher your ROI becomes over time.


Corporate video production is no longer a cost center but a strategic investment with tangible returns. By tracking key performance indicators related to engagement, conversion rates, brand visibility, and operational efficiencies, you can measure the ROI of your corporate videos in clear, business-centric terms. It’s not just about creating compelling videos; it’s about using them strategically to drive revenue, reduce costs, and elevate your brand’s presence in the digital landscape. In today’s competitive business environment, the ROI of corporate video is a metric that speaks the language of success.

At Holler, we’ve got over 12 years experience creating corporate videos that are effective in improving a businesses ROI. If your looking to kickstart your next project get in contact today via our website or give one of the team a call on 02071128665.