In today’s digital age, smartphones have become incredibly powerful devices but filming your corporate video on a smartphone is holding you back.

Smartphones these days offer a multitude of features, including high-quality cameras and video recording capabilities.

It’s no wonder that many individuals and businesses turn to their iPhones for various tasks, including creating videos for their corporate needs. While using an iPhone may seem convenient and cost-effective however it may actually be holding back the potential of your corporate video. Let’s explore both the positives and negatives of using an iPhone for corporate videos and explain why seeking the expertise of a professional video production company can elevate the quality of your content and help improve the success of your videos.


Video production


So let’s start with the positives of using a smartphone for corporate videos:

  1. Accessibility: iPhones are readily available, and most people already possess one, eliminating the need for additional equipment.
  2. Ease of Use: iPhones offer intuitive interfaces and simple video recording functionalities, making it easy for anyone to create videos quickly.
  3. Cost-Effective: Using an iPhone can save you money compared to hiring professional videographers or investing in expensive video equipment.
  4. Portability: iPhones are compact and portable, allowing for flexibility and convenience in capturing video footage on the go.


Now let’s look at some of the negatives of using a smartphone for corporate videos:

  1. Limited Technical Capabilities: While iPhones have advanced camera systems, they lack the professional-grade features, such as interchangeable lenses, manual controls, and advanced stabilisation.
  2. Audio Quality: Built-in microphones on iPhones may not capture high-quality audio, leading to poor sound quality in corporate videos.
  3. Limited Editing Options: Although iPhones offer basic editing tools, they are not as robust as professional editing software, limiting your ability to achieve a polished final product.
  4. Lack of Expertise: Creating captivating corporate videos requires expertise in framing, lighting, storytelling, and editing techniques, which may be lacking when using an iPhone without professional guidance.


So how does seeking the help of a video production company benefit your company well…


It will massively enhance the quality of the content you are producing. A professional video production company has access to high-quality equipment, experienced videographers, and advanced editing software, ensuring that your corporate video is visually stunning and engaging.

You will gain valuable creative direction from a team of experts. Video production companies have a wealth of knowledge and creative expertise, enabling them to craft compelling narratives that effectively convey your brand message and captivate your target audience.

You’ll get the technical expertise from people who make videos like the one you’re dreaming of every day. Professional video production companies possess the technical know-how to optimise camera settings, lighting, sound, and post-production processes, resulting in a polished video that reflects your brand’s professionalism.

It will save you time and resources. Outsourcing your video production to experts saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on your core business activities while ensuring a high-quality end product is still produced.


While iPhones offer convenience and accessibility for creating videos, they have limitations that may hinder the potential of your corporate video content. To truly elevate the quality and impact of your videos, it is advisable to seek the expertise of a professional video production company. By collaborating with experienced video creators and utilising their technical skills and creative direction, you can create corporate videos that effectively communicate your brand’s message, engage your audience, and leave a lasting impression. Investing in professional video production services is an investment in the success and growth of your business. Get in contact with one of our team here at holler today to get your next project kickstarted.