It’s no secret anymore that multi-device optimisation is no longer a consideration for your corporate videos, it’s a must. Audiences have now come to expect a great experience regardless of how they engage with your content. 

Mobile Video is the New Norm

An ever-increasing number of people are viewing video on the go, on their handheld devices. Think about the last time you purposely sat at a Desktop Computer to watch a video .. It was probably a while ago! With this in mind, when planning your next corporate video you should intend to optimise it for mobile devices. 

Video production companies have many tactics at their disposal when it comes to optimising videos for differing screen sizes. In this blog, we’re going to talk about how you can work with your professional video production company to optimise your corporate video correctly for your target audience.

“You ultimately want audiences coming to your website, where they can see exactly what you want them to.”

Social Media Optimisation

Many of our clients require their corporate videos to be optimised for social media. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have varying resolution settings. For the best looking result, you need your video to be shot, edited and delivered correctly.

While video sharing platforms like YouTube and Vimeo are already fit for mobile when it comes to video player size, if you’re serious about video marketing, you know that YouTube is only a small part of a larger video strategy. You’ll ultimately want audiences coming onto your website, where they can see exactly what you want them to.

Make Your Video Stand Out!

Another important point to consider is your video’s thumbnail image. This is your best chance at drawing the viewer to click on your video.  Ensuring the image is cropped and formatted to look as good as possible is very important. Again, these settings will differ from websites, to social media platforms. Moreover, a thumbnail image that looks great on the desktop could look terrible on a mobile or iPad for example.

So, when planning your next corporate video, don’t forget to consider and plan for multi-device optimisation to ensure that you’re reaching the largest audience possible, whilst having a video that looks better than your competitors!