Crowdfunding websites, such as Kickstarter, are places where people can attempt to gain funding for their product ideas and where investors can find cool products to invest in. One of the most effective ways of attracting attention and encouraging investment is by making a high-quality Kickstarter video.

One of the biggest reasons that a lot of Kickstarter campaigns fail to take off is because they have a poor quality video or, even worse, don’t include one at all. When it comes to Kickstarter campaigns, if you’re not including a video then you’re running the risk of making people think you’re not serious about the product. You are also losing out on the opportunity to better explain your product and send out a more personable message to potential backers.

“High-quality video is essential to your Kickstarter campaign being a success.”

Here are our tips on how to make the best Kickstarter videos 2017:

Hire the Pro’s

We get, not every Kickstarter campaign can afford to bring in a professional video production company to make the best Kickstarter videos 2017. But you’d be a lot better off if you can afford to bring in the pros. Ultimately, if you make a poor quality video, people are going to think the same about the quality of your product.

We get, not every Kickstarter campaign can afford to bring in a professional video production company to make the best Kickstarter videos 2017. But you’d be a lot better off if you can afford to bring in the pros. Ultimately, if you make a poor quality video, people are going to think the same about the quality of your product.

Your best bet is to be open and honest with your video production company about your budget. Tell them exactly how much you’ve got to work with and good video production companies (like Holler) will work within that budget. You don’t have to break the bank for a high-quality, professional Kickstarter video.

Be Detailed

When it comes to Kickstarter videos, people expect there to be plenty of information included about your product. You don’t have to go overboard, but don’t leave people wondering and the end. In an ideal world, you would want people to be informed enough, after watching the video, to want to give money without having to read any more information.

 Make it Personal

One really effective way to connect with your audience, it to make your video more ‘human’. One mistake a lot of people make is that they will make a Kickstarter video that will solely feature the product. Which is fine; but why not include a friendly face or a personal message? Why not have the creator speak about the product in the video? This will help put a face to the product and, ultimately, help your audience to connect better with the product. At the end of the day, people buy from people.