It may come as no surprise that in 2021, people are watching more online video content than ever before. Video content marketing has become one of the most effective ways of connecting with your audience.

Did you know that 93% of companies claim they got a new customer because of their video content on social media?

With 63% of businesses saying that high-quality video content gives them the best ROI when compared to other methods?

Yet with all that said, many marketers are still hesitant to utilise this marketing power-tool.

It can seem daunting, but the trick lies in knowing what kind of marketing video content audiences love to consume. 




What’s the first thing people do these days when they’re looking at how to do something? It’s look for a YouTube Tutorial.

If you’re a company that sells products or software, these are a must for you.

According to Google, users are 3x more likely to watch a YouTube tutorial than read a product’s instruction manual.

This is plain and simply because people are visual learners, they will understand how to use your product/software better if they can see someone else using it. This is what video content is all about.

How-to videos also give you the opportunity insert CTA’s linking them to similar products or accessories.

If you’re product/service isn’t something tangible, FAQ videos are a great alternative.



We often see companies ease off on video marketing after they make their flagship brand video.

But not all video marketing content needs to be a highly polished brand video. Sometimes a personable video message can be just as effective.

Shooting and editing series of video messages are a very cost-effective way to get across to your audience in a personable manner. This puts faces to your companies brand and gives you a trustworthy, relatable quality.




Another great example of video content that viewers love are testimonial videos.

What better endorsement can you have of your products/services than a happy customer singing your praises on camera?

It’s always worth using legitimate customers for testimonials over actors. Viewers can tell when someone is being genuine or when someone’s faking it and using an actor for a testimonial could make your company seem underhanded.

There’s a little bit more work that needs to go in from your side in convincing a client to give up their time to be on camera, but you can always offer up a sweetener as an incentive.






Whilst we tend to advise that most videos be kept fairly short, there are often exceptions to this rule and one of those is Brand Films.

Brand Films are slightly longer-form videos that tell your companies story. They take your viewer on a journey and afford more opportunities to get creative and get that cinematic look.

With Brand Films, you’re asking people to give up more time than they would normally to watch a marketing video. So you need to make it worth their time. That means a bigger budget and higher production value. Otherwise, you’ll lose the viewer.

The good news is that people are spending more time watching video. With YouTube saying that they’ve seen a 39 second increase in watch time in the last year. This may not sound like much, but you can say a lot in 39 seconds.


This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to videos audiences love. If you want to find out more give us a call on: 020 7112 8665 or drop us a line at: